As you approach retirement, it's essential to strategically plan your financial future. One of the significant components of this planning is your pension. A pension, a type of retirement plan, is an arrangement where an employer regularly contributes a certain amount of money to a pool of funds set aside for an employee's future benefit.

This fund is invested on the employee's behalf, allowing it to grow over time. Upon retirement, the employee receives regular payouts from this fund, providing a steady income stream during their golden years.
In this article, we'll delve deeper into understanding your pension scheme, explore strategies to enhance your pension, and highlight how professional advice can help you in this endeavor. We will also discuss other factors that can affect your pension. By the end of this guide, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions that will help you maximize your pension and secure a financially stable retirement.
Understanding Your Pension Scheme
Understanding the type of pension scheme you have is the first step to maximizing it. Pension schemes typically fall into two categories: Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution.
Defined Benefit Schemes
Defined Benefit (DB) schemes, sometimes referred to as "final salary" or "average salary" schemes, promise a specific monthly income upon retirement.
This income is usually calculated based on your salary near the end of your employment and your years of service with the company. In other words, the benefit is 'defined' upfront and is guaranteed, regardless of how the underlying investments perform.
Because DB schemes promise a specific payout, they offer a level of certainty for the retiree. You can accurately predict your retirement income, which can aid significantly in planning your retirement finances.
This certainty, however, is contingent upon the employer's ability to fund the pension plan adequately. Should the company face financial difficulties, it could impact the ability to meet these defined benefit obligations.
Therefore, the financial stability of your employer is an important factor to consider with DB schemes.
Defined Contribution Schemes
Defined Contribution (DC) schemes, on the other hand, do not promise a specific benefit upon retirement. Instead, the retirement income depends on the contributions made into the pension fund and how well the fund's investments perform over time.
You or your employer (or both) contribute to your individual account within the pension fund, and these contributions are invested, typically in a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets.
The benefit of DC schemes is that they can potentially offer higher returns and, therefore, a larger pension pot upon retirement, assuming the investments perform well.
They also offer more control over the investment choices compared to DB schemes, which can be appealing to individuals who wish to have an active role in managing their retirement savings.
However, the downside is that they come with more risk. If the investments perform poorly, this could reduce the value of the pension pot, and consequently, the retirement income. There's also no guarantee of a certain income in retirement, which could make financial planning more challenging.
III. Strategies to Maximize Your Pension
1. Work Longer
The value of your pension is often calculated based on your years of service and your salary. Therefore, working for a few more years could significantly increase your pension, especially if those years include some of your highest earning years. This is particularly relevant for Defined Benefit schemes.
2. Delay Pension
If you can afford to, delaying when you start drawing your pension can increase the amount you receive when you eventually start. This is because the fund has more time to grow, and the payouts have to cover a shorter period.
For Defined Contribution schemes, this could allow more time for your investments to grow. In the case of Defined Benefit schemes, many will increase the payout if you choose to retire later.
3. Avoid Early Withdrawals
While it might be tempting to take out money early, early withdrawals can often lead to penalties or reduced benefits. It's usually better to let the pension grow undisturbed until retirement.
4. Maximize Contributions
If you're in a Defined Contribution scheme, maximizing your contributions (and ensuring your employer is doing the same if they offer matching contributions) can help grow your pension pot. Even if you're close to retirement, every bit extra can help.
5. Invest Wisely
For Defined Contribution schemes, the performance of your investments can significantly impact the value of your pension. As you near retirement, it's generally recommended to shift towards more conservative investments to protect against market downturns. However, every person's situation is unique, so it's important to consider your risk tolerance and financial needs.
6. Understanding and Using Pension Freedoms
Pension freedoms, introduced in some countries like the UK, give you greater flexibility over how you can access your pension pot. Understanding these freedoms can help you make decisions that maximize your retirement income.
7. Consolidating Your Pensions
If you have multiple pensions from different employers, consolidating them into one pension can make it easier to manage your retirement savings. However, it's important to consider any potential losses of benefits or fees associated with transferring your pensions.
8. Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)
Making AVCs to your pension can significantly boost your retirement savings. These are contributions that you make in addition to the regular contributions that are required by your pension scheme. AVCs can be particularly beneficial if your employer matches these contributions.
9. Consider Buying an Annuity
An annuity can provide a guaranteed income for life, which can be a good option for those with a Defined Contribution pension. However, annuity rates can vary, so it's crucial to shop around for the best deal.
10. Get Professional Advice
Pensions can be complicated, and making the wrong decision can have long-term consequences. A financial advisor can provide personalized advice based on your circumstances and help you navigate the complexities of maximizing your pension.
IV. Role of Financial Advisors in Maximizing Pension
Financial advisors can provide valuable guidance to help you navigate these strategies and more. They can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation and retirement goals.
Financial advisors play a significant role in maximizing a pension, particularly in the following ways:
1. Creating a Retirement Strategy
Financial advisors help you establish a solid retirement strategy that aligns with your financial goals. This strategy includes understanding your pension scheme, identifying your retirement income needs, and developing a plan to ensure your pension provides the necessary support.
2. Understanding Pension Schemes
As pension schemes can be complex, financial advisors assist in understanding the details of your specific plan. They can explain the difference between Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution schemes, how your pension will be calculated, and what factors can affect your final payout.
3. Maximizing Contributions
Advisors can guide you on how best to maximize your pension contributions, considering your financial capacity and retirement goals. This could involve strategies like Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs), which can significantly increase your pension pot.
4. Tax Efficiency
Financial advisors help ensure your pension savings and withdrawal strategy are tax efficient. This might include advice on utilizing Pension Freedoms, which can provide more flexibility in how you access your pension, potentially leading to tax advantages.
5. Consolidation Advice
If you have multiple pension pots from different employers, a financial advisor can offer advice on whether it's beneficial to consolidate these pensions. Consolidation can make managing your pensions easier, but it's not always the best move depending on the specifics of the individual pensions.
6. Investment Strategy
For Defined Contribution schemes, a financial advisor can provide valuable advice on the investment strategy for your pension fund, balancing the potential for growth with the level of risk you are comfortable with.
7. Reviewing and Adjusting Strategy
Finally, a financial advisor will regularly review and adjust your retirement strategy as needed. This can account for changes in your personal circumstances, financial goals, or market conditions, ensuring your plan remains optimized for your needs.
Factoring in ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act)
ERISA is a federal law that sets minimum standards for pension plans in private industry. It's designed to protect individuals in these plans.
Understanding ERISA and its implications is an essential part of maximizing your pension. This law provides guarantees for participants, including the right to sue for benefits and breaches of fiduciary duty.
It also stipulates that participants must receive detailed information about their pension plans. Working with a financial advisor or doing personal research to understand the rights and protections offered by ERISA can provide peace of mind and help ensure that you're making informed decisions about your pension.
Other Factors That Can Affect Your Pension
When planning for retirement, it's crucial to understand the factors that can affect the size of your pension. These factors can range from personal decisions, such as the age at which you decide to retire, to uncontrollable external factors like inflation or changes in pension laws and regulations.
Understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions about your retirement planning and potentially increase the value of your pension. Here are some key factors that can impact your pension:
1. Age at Retirement
The age at which you choose to retire can significantly impact your pension. Retiring later usually means a higher pension because you've had more time to make contributions, and your money has had more time to grow.
2. Salary
In many pension schemes, especially defined benefit ones, the amount you earn directly influences the size of your pension. The more you earn, the higher your pension is likely to be.
3. Years of Service
The number of years you've worked for your employer can also affect your pension. Generally, the longer you've worked for a company, the larger your pension will be.
4. Contribution Rate
The amount you and/or your employer contribute to your pension can significantly affect the amount you receive upon retirement. Higher contributions usually lead to a larger pension pot.
5. Investment Returns
For defined contribution pensions, the returns on the investments within your pension fund can significantly influence the size of your pension. Higher returns lead to a larger fund.
6. Inflation
Inflation can erode the purchasing power of your pension income over time, especially if your pension isn't inflation-protected.
7. Health and Longevity
The state of your health can affect when you retire and therefore the size of your pension. Additionally, the longer you live, the more years you'll need your pension income to cover.
8. Changes in Pension Laws and Regulations
Government policies, regulations, and changes in tax laws can influence the value of your pension.
9. Employer Solvency
For company pensions, the financial health of your employer is a crucial factor. If the company is not able to meet its pension obligations, it could affect your pension.
Maximizing your pension is an important part of planning for a comfortable retirement. With a clear understanding of your pension scheme and the strategies available to you, and with the help of a financial advisor, you can make informed decisions to help maximize your retirement income.
Author Profile

Michael Landsberg, CIMA®, CFP®, AIF®, serves as the Chief Investment Officer of Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management, a Florida-based boutique private wealth management company. With a B.S. from Babson College and an M.B.A. from the University of Florida, he began his career at Morgan Stanley before managing investments in Florida. He believes in disciplined, rules-based investment strategies, and strives to provide exceptional service to clients.
Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management is a group comprised of investment professionals registered with Hightower Advisors, LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser. Some investment professionals may also be registered with Hightower Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Hightower Advisors, LLC. Securities are offered through Hightower Securities, LLC. All information referenced herein is from sources believed to be reliable. Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management and Hightower Advisors, LLC have not independently verified the accuracy of completeness of the information contained in this document. [Advisor Practice] and Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates make no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or for statements or errors or omissions, or results obtained from the use of this information. Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management and Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates assume no liability for any action made or taken in reliance on or relating in any way to the information. This document and the materials contained herein were created for informational purposes only; the opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s), and do not represent those of Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates. Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management and Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. This material was not intended or written to be used or presented to any entity as tax or legal advice. Clients are urged to consult their tax and/or legal advisor for related questions.
Hightower Advisors, LLC is an SEC registered investment adviser. Securities are offered through Hightower Securities, LLC member FINRA and SIPC. Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. This material is not intended or written to provide and should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for tax or legal advice. Information contained herein does not consider an individual’s or entity’s specific circumstances or applicable governing law, which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and be subject to change. Clients are urged to consult their tax or legal advisor for related questions.