Some people are lucky enough to be able to get gas and electricity at fixed rates, so they don’t have to think much about how much they spend every month or worry about sudden increases in rates from their providers.

For others, however, utility bills are one of the biggest expenses each month. Here are some simple ways to save money on your gas and electric bills so you can give yourself more breathing room in your budget without adding more stress to your life by worrying about how you’ll pay the next bill.
Close curtains at night
One easy way to save money is by closing curtains at night. This will not only make your home darker, but it will also help keep the heat in your home. In the summer, closing curtains at night can block out the sun which can help lower air conditioning costs.
Likewise, when the sun rises in the morning, curtains can be opened up again which can help warm up your home by letting natural light in. Upgrading to a more efficient heating system: To save money on electric bills, it may be worth considering upgrading an old furnace with a new energy-efficient one that uses less electricity and gas.
Use a Power Strip
A simple way you can save money on gas and electric bills is by using a power strip. If you're like me, your computer is plugged in to the wall, but your cell phone charger is plugged into the computer. Why not plug both of those things into one outlet?
It'll save electricity, as well as give you more room for plugs! A Few Ways You Can be Energy Efficient:
-Plug appliances into different outlets
-Clean Your Filter: Dirty filters make it harder for your furnace to work efficiently. -Insulate Windows: Make sure there are no drafts coming from outside.
Turn off lights when you leave the room
Did you know that leaving a light on when you leave a room for even just a minute can use as much energy as leaving it on all day?
That's because the electricity continues to flow through the light's filament, so turning off lights is important. If it's not dark in the room, use less power by only running one or two lights. If it is dark in the room, turn off the lights entirely.
You don't need them! Avoid using an oven during peak hours: It takes about 20 minutes of pre-heating time before an oven reaches its cooking temperature and then it takes another 20 minutes to cool down once you turn it off.
Use your stove top instead for quick meals like eggs, pancakes, bacon, etc. Plus - electric ovens are more expensive than gas ranges due to their increased cost of operation per hour!
Boil water on your stove top rather than using the microwave: Microwaves heat food unevenly leading to a shorter shelf life.
Get a Programmable Thermostat
A programmable thermostat can help you better manage the temperature in your home. You can set it to keep the house warmer when you're at work, for example, and cooler when you're sleeping or away.
They are inexpensive and easy to install, but will save you money every month by regulating heating needs more efficiently.
The average household spends about £600 each year in energy costs. A programmable thermostat could pay for itself within a year of installation. Thermostats typically run from £25-£150 with the median being around £50.
Check Appliances
One of the easiest ways to save money is by checking your appliances for efficiency. If you are buying a new appliance, there are three things that you should do before making your purchase:
1) Shop around;
2) Read reviews;
3) Look at the ENERGY STAR label. More energy efficient appliances cost more up front but will actually save you in the long run. Many appliances have a cycle selector which will allow you to tailor their performance based on your needs
-Efficiency ratings go from A+ (most efficient) down to D (least efficient). The higher the number, the better it is for saving electricity
-Energy Star certified products use 20% less energy than other products like them -You can find out how much power an appliance uses by reading its wattage rating (in watts).
Check what kinds of items would most benefit from replacing their old one with an energy star rated appliance. Some examples include refrigerators and dishwashers
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